yo charlie ya dumass
(too old to reply)
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2009-01-08 04:21:12 UTC
Dear mister "A Teamster"
The laws of the united states clearly state that nudity is legal even
when images are those of minors.
Hey! When did it become 1998 again? Oh, and it's pretty pathetic when you
start off with a spelling error in the subject line, Bullis.
Case in point.
Here we go. Bullis the pedophilia expert.
"Dirty Pictures" was a movie about the law case involving the
Cincinnati Arts Consortium in which they displayed the works of Mr.
Maplethorpe. In which one of the pictures was that of a very young
boy naked and clearly exposing the privates.
So you've got a new desktop screen saver. Big deal.
Judge Albanese erred when he instructed the jury that, "If one photo
is deemed pornographic, they all are.".
Cite? Source? Case? Oh and it's a MOVIE, "ya dumass."
3 Cincinnati police officers illegally removed ALL of the photos.i
Footnote? Case number? Smoke signals? Anything????!?!??
The jury sided in favor of the museum.
On the day of the bust, the mother of the child just happened to be
there and she was going to be arrested as well except that she had the
signed consent form with her.
The hell? That doesn't even make any sense.
Also in Cincinnati, 3 people were charged with illegally receiving
child pornography through the mail. 2 of the 3 plead not guilty and
were vindicated because the USPS thought they could get away with it.
So...they were found not guilty...because the Postal Service thought they
were not guilty? Either you can't write worth a damn and have piss-poor
grammer (true), or you're being st00pid again (or both).
The 3rd? He was a teacher of junior high kids. They found him in the
woods near his home with a gun shot in his head. He had committed
suicide. While he had done nothing illegal.
Except suicide.

Shame you can't follow his example
In the movie "To Sir With Love", one student asks, "Why is it that
they can't show naked people on tv but can show African Indians
totally naked?" Not verbatim.
"Because that is the way they live."
Five little letters, "M," "O," "V," "I" and "E," Bullis.
"The National Geographic" magazine has come under fire for daring to
show naked people. Not just children. Each time their taken to court,
the courts have sided with the magazine.
I bet you can name dates and editions of the nudes
12 year old Brooke Shields posed fully naked in the movie "Pretty
Baby". Ine the movie "Blue Lagoon", the two kids are seen naked a
couple of times.
Yes they are, and how many times have you rewound to those scenes?
Many other movies show children naked and it is all perfectly legal.
We're not talking about Polyanna or Everybody's All American, st00pid.
There have been numerous books showing off children naked as
educational material. Perfectly legal.
Really? I would like to know which books show "children naked as
educational material." Zeig Mal? That book's controversial and in some cases
illegal to possess, Bullis.
You claim I am a pedophile.
With a post like this one, i don't think there is much of a claim to it.
You've always had a bad case of Foot-In-Mouth disease.
Simply because I speak my mind openly on
this topic. One just one occasion you saw that I had listed on my chat
rooms an incest group. Where and when did I post to that group? Maybe
I did it just to irritate you.
Maybe you did it because you're st00pid.
Prove your case. Take me to court.
You are so fucking stupid. It's not HIS job to take you to court, nimrod
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2009-01-08 04:31:15 UTC
On Wed, 7 Jan 2009 14:41:38 -0800 (PST), A Teamster
Dear mister "A Teamster"
The laws of the united states clearly state that nudity is legal even
when images are those of minors.
Show the cite.
Reference this please.
(8) "child pornography" means any visual depiction, including any
photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated
image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical,
or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where-
(A) the production of such visual depiction involves the use of a
minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct;
(B) such visual depiction is a digital image, computer image, or
computer-generated image that is, or is indistinguishable from, that
of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; or
(C) such visual depiction has been created, adapted, or modified to
appear that an identifiable minor is engaging in sexually explicit
The entire section defiines what IS illegal.
If the image does not meet these definitions, it is legal.
so if something's not hot, it's cold? if it's not black, it's white?

Your stupidity makes me ill.
There was another case where some guy was hauled into court.
Seems he had taken a photo of himself and daughter.
Girl was sitting on daddy's lap and it was clear she was wearing no
HOW or WHY do you KNOW these things, Bullis? Geez!
The USPS was forced by the court to deliver the mail.
do you ever cite these so-called "victories" with online links or do you
just pull them out of your ever-growing ass?
Employee at a local grocery store is developing film. Finds some
photos of two naked boys having a good time.
I shiver at what you might consider "two naked boys having a good time."
Cops are called and daddy
is hauled off to jail. Even though the boys claimed they took the
photos of themselves. Now why would a man who has a complete darkroom
in his house send the photos to a grocery store?
Now why would you make a stupid statement like this without backing it up?
Ever watch America's Most Wanted?
I keep waiting to see your butt-ugly mug on there, Bullis, but not even John
Walsh, whose son was killed by a pedophile, wants to acknowledge your
Why is it that during rating's periods Walsh always had to show a very
graphical depicting episode of a pedophile and how he seduced kids?
They did everything but show the sex.
If you're so damn upset over the issue Charlie, have the god damned
law changed. In many countries possession of images of naked children
is illegal.
Bullis you are going to die lonely and stupid, and if you keep this up
you're going to do it from behind bars.
Orsen Wells w/Citizen Cain
2009-01-09 06:06:33 UTC
On Thu, 8 Jan 2009 14:22:12 -0800 (PST), A Teamster
On Wed, 07 Jan 2009 17:46:14 -0600, Roughrider50
Dear mister "A Teamster"
The laws of the united states clearly state that nudity is legal even
when images are those of minors.
Case in point.
"Dirty Pictures" was a movie about the law case involving the
Cincinnati Arts Consortium in which they displayed the works of Mr.
Maplethorpe. In which one of the pictures was that of a very young
boy naked and clearly exposing the privates.
Hmmmm.....referencing that sick POS Mapplethorpe doesn't do much for
your case.
I agree that some of the works he did was not all that "artful".
But the case itself proved that such works were NOT illegal.
Just answer me this.....I have asked a couple times....what the hell
do you get out of having pictures of naked kids, if you must use that
Just a simple answer.
I get the same kick as any "normal sane" male gets from seeing a
playboy centerfold.
Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2009-01-09 11:34:39 UTC
Post by Orsen Wells w/Citizen Cain
On Thu, 8 Jan 2009 14:22:12 -0800 (PST), A Teamster
Just answer me this.....I have asked a couple times....what the hell
do you get out of having pictures of naked kids, if you must use that
Just a simple answer.
I get the same kick as any "normal sane" male gets from seeing a
playboy centerfold.
Ain't he something?

Richard: "prove I'm a pedophile"

Okay- once again-

pedophile - 4 dictionary results

pe⋅do⋅phile   /ˈpidəˌfaɪl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [pee-duh-fahyl] Show
IPA Pronunciation

–noun Psychiatry. an adult who is sexually attracted to young children.

Also, pedophiliac.

1950–55; pedo- 1 + -phile, or directly < Gk paidóphilos loving children
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

ped·o·phile (pěd'ə-fīl', pē'də-) Pronunciation Key
n. An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children.
ped'o·phil'ic (-fĭl'ĭk) adj.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


an adult who is sexually attracted to children

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.
Cite This Source

Main Entry: pe·do·phile
Pronunciation: 'pEd-&-"fIl, 'ped-
Variant: or chiefly British pae·do·phile /'pEd-/
Function: noun
: one affected with pedophilia called also pedophiliac

Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.

Just can't help himself.
"Best thing for him, really. His therapy
was going nowhere," -Hannibal Lector.

Orsen Wells w/Citizen Cain
2009-01-09 17:53:26 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by Orsen Wells w/Citizen Cain
On Thu, 8 Jan 2009 14:22:12 -0800 (PST), A Teamster
Just answer me this.....I have asked a couple times....what the hell
do you get out of having pictures of naked kids, if you must use that
Just a simple answer.
I get the same kick as any "normal sane" male gets from seeing a
playboy centerfold.
Ain't he something?
I think the problem he encountered was he is simply too dumb to realize the
analogy he just made. He just doesn't have the intelligence of recognizing
the implications of his statement, but then again Bullis has never been
known as a genius.
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Richard: "prove I'm a pedophile"
Okay- once again-
pedophile - 4 dictionary results
pe?do?phile /'pid??fa?l/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [pee-duh-fahyl]
Show IPA Pronunciation
-noun Psychiatry. an adult who is sexually attracted to young children.
Also, pedophiliac.
1950-55; pedo- 1 + -phile, or directly < Gk paidóphilos loving children
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
ped·o·phile (ped'?-fil', pe'd?-) Pronunciation Key
n. An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children.
ped'o·phil'ic (-fil'ik) adj.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
an adult who is sexually attracted to children
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.
Cite This Source
Main Entry: pe·do·phile
Pronunciation: 'pEd-&-"fIl, 'ped-
Variant: or chiefly British pae·do·phile /'pEd-/
Function: noun
: one affected with pedophilia called also pedophiliac
Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
Just can't help himself.
"Best thing for him, really. His therapy
was going nowhere," -Hannibal Lector.
Orsen Wells w/Citizen Cain
2009-01-09 06:07:04 UTC
On Thu, 8 Jan 2009 14:22:12 -0800 (PST), A Teamster
On Wed, 07 Jan 2009 17:46:14 -0600, Roughrider50
Dear mister "A Teamster"
The laws of the united states clearly state that nudity is legal even
when images are those of minors.
Case in point.
"Dirty Pictures" was a movie about the law case involving the
Cincinnati Arts Consortium in which they displayed the works of Mr.
Maplethorpe. In which one of the pictures was that of a very young
boy naked and clearly exposing the privates.
Hmmmm.....referencing that sick POS Mapplethorpe doesn't do much for
your case.
I agree that some of the works he did was not all that "artful".
But the case itself proved that such works were NOT illegal.
Just answer me this.....I have asked a couple times....what the hell
do you get out of having pictures of naked kids, if you must use that
Just a simple answer.
I get the same kick as any "normal sane" male gets from seeing a
playboy centerfold.
Bullis you do realize that you just admitted to being a pedophile, right?