Play time is over
(too old to reply)
2004-06-20 01:04:36 UTC
Just a little note to say, Hasta La Vista, baby!
Headin out today for orientation on monday.
And you'll be scrounging for bus fair on Tuesday.
Tuesday afternoon I get my own truck and I'll see you jackasses on the
So, wait...they're only giving their new employees one day of orientation?
Isn't that a little careless? And stupid?

I'm beginning to doubt the authenticity of your claim, st00pid.
When you see that fairly new white truck with blue lettering in your
take a close look at the driver. Could be me.
If there's a trail of crashed cars and law enforcement following, probably.
I won't say which company, but I-80 runs through the city and it is a
truckstop city.
I'm done for now.
May not be posting again until the holiday weekend.
Suck a shotgun, you filthy liar. If you DO have a new job it won't last
2004-06-20 13:50:45 UTC
Post by Cainman
Just a little note to say, Hasta La Vista, baby!
Headin out today for orientation on monday.
And you'll be scrounging for bus fair on Tuesday.
Remember the last time Bullis took the bus for an orientation? IIRC the company
took one look at him and laughed him right off the lot and he had to scrape up
enough cash for busfare back to Plover.
2004-06-20 15:42:12 UTC
On Sat, 19 Jun 2004 21:04:36 -0400, "Cainman"
Post by Cainman
Just a little note to say, Hasta La Vista, baby!
Headin out today for orientation on monday.
And you'll be scrounging for bus fair on Tuesday.
Remember the last time Bullis took the bus for an orientation? IIRC the company
took one look at him and laughed him right off the lot and he had to scrape up
enough cash for busfare back to Plover.
Yea, that was pretty fucking funny. Expect a repeat of that in the very
near future.
