2004-05-03 17:22:34 UTC
See the line where Richard claims to applied for
a job with the "White House Police" once upon
a time!
Now is this another instance of St00pid raising his hand when the Secreta job with the "White House Police" once upon
a time!
Service recruiter asked who'd like to grow up to be a Whitehouse Policeman
at the infamous ASA Cincinatti screening? Or, was Boy Scout Bullis
daydreaming with his deputy pal Don Johnson after a torrid read of the
latest True Detective? Or did Security Guard Bullis really send out
applications listing his viligent patrol of the racetrack parking lot in his
un-marked ambulance as a job qualification?
Funny that St00pid never mentioned this before.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Buckey DOT
Date: Sun, 2 May 2004 23:38:19 -0500
Newsgroups: misc.transport.trucking
I had a texas cop say that to me once while driving my personal car in the
state and I said to him, "Officer, you see that motel over there? That's
where I stayed the nigth and just left. Want to see my receipt? I just
checked out."
He changed his attitude real quick. What's he gonna do about it anyway?
Ground me for 10 hours? I don't think so.
Previously, you have stated that they can "look no further than the
previous eight days".
Precccisely. As those 8 days will be the only ones in the log book.
No officer anywhere in this nation has any obligation to call in a
supervisor at the request of an idiot who happens to find himself in
disagreement with an officer.
No he does not. But I have the right to go to his superior and file formal
charges if so desired.
I did not say that the chat would be at that location did I?
something worthy of a challenge
He's the one making the challenge. I am defending myself.
at...well...practicallySubject: Re: Buckey DOT
Date: Sun, 2 May 2004 23:38:19 -0500
Newsgroups: misc.transport.trucking
Uh we go...
poster say that the officer had attitude?
"Well you look kind of tired to me".Unlike some people who call themselves professionals, I have the
utmost respect for ALL officers in unuiform as long as they treat me
with respect.
A professional would treat them with respect even if they do not.utmost respect for ALL officers in unuiform as long as they treat me
with respect.
An Ohio DOT officer is not one to be fooling around
with. As they have more authority than the regular state troopers do.
That officer was just doing his job. Although he was a bit cocky with
his attitude.
You must have read something in that post that I did not. Where did thewith. As they have more authority than the regular state troopers do.
That officer was just doing his job. Although he was a bit cocky with
his attitude.
poster say that the officer had attitude?
I had a texas cop say that to me once while driving my personal car in the
state and I said to him, "Officer, you see that motel over there? That's
where I stayed the nigth and just left. Want to see my receipt? I just
checked out."
He changed his attitude real quick. What's he gonna do about it anyway?
Ground me for 10 hours? I don't think so.
Me? I'd have handed him my log book and told him to look through it
all he wanted.
My...that's quite a reversal from your previous stances on this issue.all he wanted.
Previously, you have stated that they can "look no further than the
previous eight days".
Then if he wishes to continue being an arse about it, we'll have a
chat with his supervisor.
Get this through you ignorant head, with his supervisor.
No officer anywhere in this nation has any obligation to call in a
supervisor at the request of an idiot who happens to find himself in
disagreement with an officer.
charges if so desired.
I did not say that the chat would be at that location did I?
And how do you know he's a rookie cop?
What difference does it make? It's not relevant, and certainly notsomething worthy of a challenge
He could have 10 years experience behind him.
Well....then that would be far more than you haveanything but looking at naked children's pics.
Regardless, even an officer with 20 years of experience will try hisdamndest to stick it to a trucker any way he can. And every DOT officer
knows, that if you don't have proper rest, they can ground you for it. And
there is not a damn thing you can do about it.
<now comes the "personal experience" to illustrate his point, not
that youhave one>
I got pulled over once in matamoris pa, by a cop so damn young he
looked like he was still in high school. A puff of wind could blow
looked like he was still in high school. A puff of wind could blow
down. He wouldn't pass the physical requirements for the big city
officers no way.
Like you would have any insight into what the physical requirementsofficers no way.
I do. I have applied with many police departments. Including the "WhiteHouse Police" in Wash. D.C.
Did I show him any disrespect because of his looks?
No...but he probably had a few comments after taking a gander at YOU...Not one bit. But I drawed the line at calling him "sir".
And is it any wonder why? I know that in this group and in others,the "MAN", full of piss and vinegar. Out in the real world, you are
just amouse who probably pisses his pants when faced with authority.
One time when I was in Michigan something fell off the passenger seat
I wanted and couldn't get to it so I pulled over to the side and
stopped. As I reached down, I felt the truck shake, looked up and saw
a bear poking his nose in the window.
He was probably just looking for food, Bullis.I wanted and couldn't get to it so I pulled over to the side and
stopped. As I reached down, I felt the truck shake, looked up and saw
a bear poking his nose in the window.
"Anything wrong? I saw you pull over."
A talking bear? This is really outlandish. Bears don't leastthe rest of us.
respect....right?"Just fine. Just needed to pick up an item that fell off the seat."
Yep....your latest stash of kiddie porn....right?He went back to his cruiser, I went on my way.
You mean his cave....right?Don't give me any flack, I won't give you any.
What's "flack"? Is that some kind of code word for adult pornography?I show you respect, you damn well better show it to me.
Of course....this is because you are soooooo deserving ofYou're such an idiot....