what to do?
(too old to reply)
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-02-25 02:26:13 UTC
Christ I'm beginning to hate retirment and inheritances.
Last year to get the ball rolling, I got paid like $14k from the
"Like" $14k? Now not only are you talking like the teenagers you desire to
see in the undress, you don't even know how much you inherited? Did your
moron brother in Arizona or wherever it was help you out?
The way it's set up, there are actually two or three irt funds.
The one with my name on it, I received 20% of this year alone.
Now I've been told I will be getting 20% of the one irt which will
more than double my current account.
You still won't be able to afford that double-wide you've had your eye on
for awhile.
Plus, I get another measley sum from another account.
So what I've spent here on motel rooms so far, is gonna put me back to
where I was before I had that expense.
That's because you're a moron who's asking this question in a trucking
In total then, I'm looking at roughly $60k income for this year and I
ain't done a damn thing for it. So maybe I'll go looking for a new car
to spend some of it on. Maybe hit Vegas and enter one of those "Texas
hold 'em" tournaments.
St00pid, you can't even go near a school without getting pulled over by a
police officer for suspicious behavior. What honestly makes you think you
could stand more than a single round in a poker tournament?
I had checked out the possibility of a new career as well.
Substitite teacher, ice cream van driver or Catholic priest?
One of the
computer graphics school in Orlando I went to check out. But I don't
see the reasoning behind a $33k tuition for a 1 year program and no
That's because you're st00pid, and because you can't create websites or
graphics for shit.
If I'm gonna do that, a school that offers a degree and
cheaper, would be much more to my liking. As I have found a couple
that offer the courses online even.
But for now, this summer I plan on a lot of travelling. From Miami Fl
to Anchorage Ak and definitely Hawaii. As it is the only state I ain't
been in yet.
And it ain't gonna happen either.
Eat yer hearts out suckers.
"Tell a lie often enough, loud enough, and long enough and people will
believe you."
Adolph Hitler
2008-02-25 04:57:30 UTC
Post by Orson Wells as CitizenCain
Christ I'm beginning to hate retirment and inheritances.
Last year to get the ball rolling, I got paid like $14k from the
"Like" $14k? Now not only are you talking like the teenagers you desire to
see in the undress, you don't even know how much you inherited? Did your
moron brother in Arizona or wherever it was help you out?
LIKE: equal in amount or value; "like amounts"; "equivalent amounts"; "the
same amount"; "gave one six blows and the other a like number"; "an equal
number"; "the same number"
Post by Orson Wells as CitizenCain
The way it's set up, there are actually two or three irt funds.
The one with my name on it, I received 20% of this year alone.
Now I've been told I will be getting 20% of the one irt which will
more than double my current account.
You still won't be able to afford that double-wide you've had your eye on
for awhile.
Plus, I get another measley sum from another account.
So what I've spent here on motel rooms so far, is gonna put me back to
where I was before I had that expense.
That's because you're a moron who's asking this question in a trucking
In total then, I'm looking at roughly $60k income for this year and I
ain't done a damn thing for it. So maybe I'll go looking for a new car
to spend some of it on. Maybe hit Vegas and enter one of those "Texas
hold 'em" tournaments.
St00pid, you can't even go near a school without getting pulled over by a
police officer for suspicious behavior. What honestly makes you think you
could stand more than a single round in a poker tournament?
I had checked out the possibility of a new career as well.
Substitite teacher, ice cream van driver or Catholic priest?
One of the
computer graphics school in Orlando I went to check out. But I don't
see the reasoning behind a $33k tuition for a 1 year program and no
That's because you're st00pid, and because you can't create websites or
graphics for shit.
If I'm gonna do that, a school that offers a degree and
cheaper, would be much more to my liking. As I have found a couple
that offer the courses online even.
But for now, this summer I plan on a lot of travelling. From Miami Fl
to Anchorage Ak and definitely Hawaii. As it is the only state I ain't
been in yet.
And it ain't gonna happen either.
Eat yer hearts out suckers.
"Tell a lie often enough, loud enough, and long enough and people will
believe you."
Adolph Hitler
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-02-25 05:04:03 UTC
On Sun, 24 Feb 2008 21:26:13 -0500, "Orson Wells as CitizenCain"
Oh so alex cain is still alive and well eh?
St00pid, you need not worry about me. You should worry about yourself, and
what you will do when your horrible advice ends up getting someone in prison
or killed.
In 1998 you claimed you were a college student working his way to get
a degree as an MD? I'll bet you're still in school because you ain't
never done nuthin that you could finish.
I never claimed I was becoming a doctor, st00pid, but that was a nice
half-assed attempt at stalking. Not only did I graduate, I've held the same
job for the past two years. A claim you as a pedophile retard slash part
time fucking moron can not make without lying.
Shall we remind every one about how you like to go into chat rooms,
seek out little girls just so you can bash them around?
Who's this "we," St00pid? Shall "we" remind everyone about how you like to
hang around playgrounds and take photographs at Disney World? Shall "we"
remind everyone about your numerous exploits into the world of pedophilia?
Oscars were on tonight. If you weren't so damn boring and stupid, maybe,
just maybe, your life would make a hilarious screenplay about one man's
attempt at trying to look smart.
Alex, you wouldn't last a week as a doctor because they'd kick you out
for being an asshole, and you ain't got the brains for a PhD.
St00pid I don't *care* about being a doctor, nor do I *want* to be a doctor,
and anyone who says "ain't got the brains" about ANYTHING, well, "ain't got
the brains" to be making such remarks.

Now do go off and wander into traffic again, or maybe talk about your latest
exploits on the road. Your lies about you and law enforcement are always
amusing, even if they are blatant exaggerations and out-and-out lies.