concealed weapons permit
(too old to reply)
2004-06-17 05:24:01 UTC
Any one feel the need to carry while on the road ?
I will be starting OTR transport next month and would like some feedback
on the
question asked.
Forget it. As a company driver you are at their mercy. They find out you
carry a gun, bye bye.
The only gun you carry is a water gun, st00pid.
State permits may or may not be valid in other states.
Then, you have local jurisdictions to deal with.
Get caught with a handgun in NYC? Jail time.
I encourage you to do so.
Although there is no federal law prohibiting them.
Not in title 49 anyway.
Do you even know what title 49 is?
But what a federal firearms permit and.....?
Truckstop talk.
There is a federal firearms permit, but that is issued for the production
firearms and must be maintained, in the open, on the premises at all
It may not be carried on a person for use as a CCW permit.
However, I do know of at least one company that is regulated by the US DOT
and does nothing but transport US Military payloads.
Do you now? Would this be the same company you "worked for?"
For this reason, they
do carry handguns, and even rifles and shotguns, which are stored in a
lockbox. The lockbox does not get opened except by written orders.
So if they get attacked while in transit, they just sit back and wait to be
shot. Sure thing, st00pid.
driver does not have a key.
Hey. That's what the driver told me.
Sure he did. Was he also in the ASA with General Westmoreland's son/
Do not even consider carrying a weapon. It will only get you into deep
If some jackass jumps on your truck, points a gun in your face, take the
shithead for a ride.
Right to the nearest expressway. Somebody will see it and report it.
Hero Bullis, who has apparantly watched "Die Hard" and "Speed" one too many
Never get out of the truck unless you can easily identify the officer.
Unmarked cars generally do not pull rigs over.
Hmmm...a statement like that almost makes me consider crossposting this to
If you are flashed by one, continue on to a safe place.
If he's real, he'll have a full bear greet you up the road.
Safe truckin.
2004-06-17 21:29:52 UTC
Never get out of the truck unless you can easily identify the officer.
Unmarked cars generally do not pull rigs over. If you are flashed by
one, continue on to a safe place. If he's real, he'll have a full bear
greet you up the road.
Safe truckin.
Well.. that remark right there tells me you never drove in the
southern states. Virginia on down.. mostly unmarked cars. I've seen
everything from Corvettes, Mustangs, Camaros, to plain Jane Impalas
pull drivers over.
You're just TRYING to get someone arrested for failure to comply with an
officer. Do you know, that in most states, if you fail to pull over,
they will bring in back up and do a full felony stop on you?
That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard....
Hey bubba, I'm haulin a sensitive expensive load for the government, or
maybe I've got lethal hazmat on.
Never have the opportunity, Bullis.
I stop for an unmarked car, get out of the truck, and get assaulted by 3
more people who want the load.
What episode of "CHIPS" or "Reno 911" did you see *this* one on?
Last year, there were two guys working around the St. Louis area doing
Word was they were driving a white pickup and in uniforms.
The driver would get out of the truck, and the assholes would harass the
driver and then try to get money out of him.
Source? Cite? Website? Newspaper article? Bathroom wall
Years ago, Indianna used unmarked vehicles. One officer attempted to pull
over some woman.
He pulled up alongside of her, flashed his badge and she refused to stop.
She pulled into a truckstop, right up to the fuel pumps where a dozen
truckers were, then got out of the car.
"Ok asshole. Now try something.".
Yea, I'm sure she did that st00pid. *roll*
Maryland State Hghway patrol also advertises routinely, "If you do not
believe who we are, continue on to a safe place then stop where you have
I've only seen a few instances where an unmarked car had pulled trucks
You'll never see me doing it and I don't give a damn how bad the officer
feels about it.
The officer will probably feel so bad about it, he'll want to give you a
present of shiny wrist jewelry to make up for it.
It's my right. To protect my life.
But not to be a fucking idiot on the road, you twit.

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