anyone have the name and address of Bullis' new employer?
(too old to reply)
2004-04-27 20:18:07 UTC
Not that he wont get the ax soon enough, but why not just bring it to
Try a phone book.
I doubt seriously that any employer would fire an employee over the mere
words of some idiot through an e-mail.
Unless that idiot works for him, of course.
Specially by an idiot who wouldn't bother disclosing his name and address
That kind of shit is known as LIBEL.
More "I'M GONNA SUE J00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" from Richard Bullis.
Having sent the material through an e-mail which can be traced to the
easily enough, will grant that sender a day in court with a judge and

So what about your pathetic brother, then, who sent various e-mails
impersonating an attorney? Specifically, one for the State of Arizona? Is
that going to happen to HIM?
Some jackass said the same thing a few years back and nothing ever
Another jackass claimed he had written the police department and nothing
ever happened over that either.
Bullis do you think that if the police were investigating you that they
would let you know?
A person by the name of "Sharon Burton" claimed I made a death threat to
She took it to an attorney who apparently told her she had no case.
*roll* Not THIS shit again.
As I have already had my security background checked for hauling hazmat as
prescribed by federal law, I know for a fact there are no active warrants
me anywhere.
So what could you tell my current employer that could possibly get me
Well, in all honesty, you're probably going to do that yourself.
What I say or has been allegedly accredited to me in usenet is none of
How about truck.net?
What earthshaking information do you have "scaredmonkey" that no one else
2004-04-27 20:19:35 UTC
I doubt seriously that any employer would fire an employee over the
mere words of some idiot through an e-mail. Specially by an idiot who
wouldn't bother disclosing his name and address to them. That kind of
shit is known as LIBEL. Having sent the material through an e-mail
which can be traced to the sender easily enough, will grant that sender
a day in court with a judge and jury.
HO hummmmm..... I'm waiting Dick...
By the way, Panther has 12 in Orientation today... 7 of those are
drivers for Owner Operators....
Still think emails make no difference?
It's not libel when all we do is email them a link to your OWN board.
AMAZING how fast employers run away hmmm??? It's called CHARACTER
Dick... something you wouldn't understand.
Still think you're not working for Panther because ONE owner decided
(yeah right) to drop a van? PLEASE!
Even you can't be that stupid.. right? You know what happened.
If you don't think so... go ahead and post the name of your company. We
already know you have no guts, and you SHOULD have no balls. They should
be removed and fed to you. Any questions?
Personally.. I'm glad you got a job driving a truck.. a lot harder to be
unnoticed sitting around parks and schools in a semi....
----------by the way.......
Just curious.... since this article was brought to my attention today...
-----------------------QUOTE from anonymous driver.... for potato
company in Plover WI
"I've made so many illegal hauls," he stated. "I've run Wash­ington
(state) to Florida, 3,400 miles in less than three days. You're trying
to keep your CDL and insurance. The DOT is cracking down, but your
banker doesn't care. He wants to be paid (on the truck loan)."
The driver admitted, "I'm really not making it now. I sure
couldn't (make a profit) driving the speed limit and observing the
hours of service."
I asked potato shipper Bob Johnson of Katz Sales Co., Plover, Wisc.
about rates. He said anywhere from a nickel to 95 cents per cwt (hundred
weight) may be added to a rate, with the higher rate applied to the
longest hauls to help cover higher diesel costs. "Find­ing drivers is
the really hard thing," Johnson observed. "More drivers are looking for
no touch loads. They will pull a sealed trailer 400 miles and drop it,
then pick up another sealed trailer to drop. This way there are no
hassles at the produce docks, gate fees, etc."
Johnson said a typical freight rate for potatoes loaded in central
Wisconsin destined for Florida can range from $4 to $6.50 per cwt. A
more specific rate is determined based on where the load is picked up
and to what part of Florida it is delivered.
Many produce haulers may have to stop trucking by the seat of their
pants, so to speak, in order to survive. It could start with getting a
better handle on the cost of operation, not to mention having it spelled
out on the bill of lading at shipping point who will incur such charges
as unloading and gate fees, etc. Then there's the matter of risking the
loss of his CDL due to DOT regu­lation violations, etc. There also comes
a time to refuse deliveries to receivers who treat you unfairly.
--------------END QUOTE
I bet Bob Johnson would have some good ideas....
st00pid busted again!!!!
