an open letter to the UAW
(too old to reply)
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-12-15 06:37:05 UTC
Wow, Bullis. Now tell us how you REALLY feel?
Who's to blame for making it impossible for your employer to meet your
Who's st00pid and going on another st00pid rant? YOU!
Over the years your demands for more this and that from the employer
has increased your wages, your perks and benefits, as well as the cost
of the average automobile the normal American buys, to keep YOU

Conspiracy Theory Bullis is much less entertaining and exciting than
Pedophile Trucker Bullis -- though both are currently in the 99 cent bin at
the local Dollar Store.
E.G. In 1974 I paid $4,500 for a brand new car.
Way to go, moron. You got jacked.
That same car today
would cost nearly $40,000. Why?
Because you're st00pid and any car dealer could recognize that in an
This year, I paid $11,000 for a 5 year old car.
Thank you mister teamster.
What the fuck do the Teamsters have to do with this, dummy?
Why is the big 3 on the verge of bankruptcy? YOU!
Who's a nitwit who has no idea what he's talking about? YOU!
Ever since the big 3 became the big 3, it's been a game to see how
many new cars can be cranked off the assembly line in one day. Why?
Because that's how our economy works, Bullis. Are you next going to complain
about wiping your ass because Charmin is competing with the other toilet
paper companies?
So you send out all these cars to the dealers and many of them are not
sold. What happens to these unsold cars?
So why don't you guys make what you can sell.
That's a brilliant idea, if you had any fucking clue what you were talking
Has any other major business or industry in the history of the USA
asked for a congressional bail out so it's employees could keep on
working? Hell no.

Well, at least with posts like this your sixth-grade education is
screamingly evident.
If they can't make business happen, they go out of
So why should I, the American taxpayer,
Hey Bullis, no offense or anything, but I'd rather eat my garden hose as
spaghetti before I'd classify myself as a taxpayer in the same area as you.
be taxed to make sure you keep
your job when thousands of unemployed workers can't find a job?
Not me, I ain't payin you guys a dime.
This is the same Bullis, of course, who has said he has taken cops to court
over traffic tickets that HE caused.
What you should do is, what most employees do with many companies.
Pay their own way. I never worked for a company that offered the
benefits you guys get. If I wanted it, I paid for it out of my own
No wonder you're so goddamn broke.
pocket. Why can't you do the same? You guys get paid 5 times more than
the average joe who pays for all of his insurance. Why can't you?
If you want to keep your job, take a cut on the perks and benefits and
be happy you even got a job.
Next Christmas you might not have a job.
So thank you mister teamster for fucking the USA.
Thank you Bullis for making yet another amusing idiot post.
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-12-15 06:40:44 UTC
Who's to blame for making it impossible for your employer to meet your
Over the years your demands for more this and that from the employer
has increased your wages, your perks and benefits, as well as the cost
of the average automobile the normal American buys, to keep YOU
E.G. In 1974 I paid $4,500 for a brand new car. That same car today
would cost nearly $40,000. Why? YOU!
This year, I paid $11,000 for a 5 year old car.
Thank you mister teamster.
Why is the big 3 on the verge of bankruptcy? YOU!
Ever since the big 3 became the big 3, it's been a game to see how
many new cars can be cranked off the assembly line in one day. Why?
So you send out all these cars to the dealers and many of them are not
sold. What happens to these unsold cars?
So why don't you guys make what you can sell.
Has any other major business or industry in the history of the USA
asked for a congressional bail out so it's employees could keep on
working? Hell no. If they can't make business happen, they go out of
So why should I, the American taxpayer, be taxed to make sure you keep
your job when thousands of unemployed workers can't find a job?
Not me, I ain't payin you guys a dime.
What you should do is, what most employees do with many companies.
Pay their own way. I never worked for a company that offered the
benefits you guys get. If I wanted it, I paid for it out of my own
pocket. Why can't you do the same? You guys get paid 5 times more than
the average joe who pays for all of his insurance. Why can't you?
If you want to keep your job, take a cut on the perks and benefits and
be happy you even got a job.
Next Christmas you might not have a job.
So thank you mister teamster for fucking the USA.
This demonstrates your total ignorance of much of anything, pedophile.
Tell me, pervert, just what does the Teamsters have to do with
anything UAW?

Stick to something you know, Sandman, like child pornography.

And they said "Amen."
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-12-15 06:45:10 UTC
On Sat, 13 Dec 2008 12:28:39 -0600, "The Honorable Dr. Rocky Roads
Post by Orson Wells as CitizenCain
This demonstrates your total ignorance of much of anything, pedophile.
Tell me, pervert, just what does the Teamsters have to do with
anything UAW?
Stick to something you know, Sandman, like child pornography.
Charlie, once more you have demonstrated your inability to reason with
name-calling. You are no better than John and Tim with all their
As for the Teamsters. Aren't the Teamsters and the UAW just out to milk
companies for as much as they can get out of them? I'd say that makes
the same.
If it wasn't for teamsters, the UAW would be out of work.
So where do the teamsters get their money from?
When I spent a lot of time on the PA pike, those drivers hauling cars
were nothing but ignorant assholes. I'd see them try to race up the
hill 3 across. And did the cops ever bust one of them for being in the
3rd lane? Nope. I wonder why?
Because you're a paranoid conspiracy pedophile idiot?
Now you do have give charlie a little break. He's always on the rag
because he's had a niece that was raped by an asshole.
And just HOW in the HELL do you know THAT, Bullis?
FYI, charlie,
most rapists aren't pedophiles. They don't care if the victim is 7 or
Bullis the rapist. How sick.
How would you know about my old old nick of sandman?
Which, FYI, was from the song, "Mr. Sandman".
I'll bet you read up about me on one of those old ancient rts faq
sites right?
Or maybe you're just st00pid enough for it to be known.
So if I'm such a bad ass, how come I post under my real name?
Because you're an idiot.
If I was such a bad ass, how come the FBI ain't busted my ass?
Because there was never enough evidence, dickhead.
You want me busted, sign a complaint and turn it into the local cops.
It's not HIS job to bust you, Bullis.
You'll be hauled into court and have your say then.
You are such a goddamn fucking stupid moronic imbecile brain-dead retarded
flatlined IDIOT.
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-12-17 09:11:51 UTC
Life seems pretty damned simple when your brain is the size of a walnut.
Bullis certainly seems to enjoy it.
