OT: Implosion
(too old to reply)
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-04-21 02:51:21 UTC
Implosion is a process in which objects are destroyed by collapsing in
on themselves. The opposite of explosion, implosion concentrates matter
and energy. An example of implosion is a submarine being crushed from
the outside by the hydrostatic pressure of the surrounding water.
How does this work with truck tires?
Same way. Sink a tire, on a rim filled with air, into the ocean to
about 3,000 feet and boom! No more tire.
Gee. It only took you how long to learn the difference?
Since my tire had blown on the inside surface of it, that qualifies as
an "implosion". As there was no phyiscal evidence of an "explosion".
"Blown on the inside surface"? What planet are you from? A tire
implosion makes no fucking sense whatsoever.
What I want to know from you is how you got a lot more pressure on the
outside of the tire than on the inside. We all know that a tire can hold
over 100psi inside the tire, so theoretically the tire could hold that
strong of a vacuum on the inside but I'm certain the tire beads would
separate from the rim before the tire could implode.
The only way this tire could have imploded that I can think of is that you
drove that particular tire through a black hole. But even that wouldn't
be possible because it would have sucked you and everything else on the
planet into it never to be seen again.
A plausible if not desirable scenario. Dude, haven't you ever seen those DOT
road signs "Black Hole : 1000 feet?" They put them up everywhere there's a
black hole approaching. Geez! Maybe you just missed the signs because they
were sucked into the black hole or something.
So Mr pervert with an eye to pre-pubescent children, could you please
explain the physics involved in your "tire implosion"?
We need to know just how your trucks seem to not adhere to the laws of
physics. It needs to be studied by scientists.
BTW: have you passed through a stargate recently?
Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
2008-04-21 02:53:12 UTC
Post by Orson Wells as CitizenCain
A plausible if not desirable scenario. Dude, haven't you ever seen those
DOT road signs "Black Hole : 1000 feet?" They put them up everywhere
there's a black hole approaching. Geez! Maybe you just missed the signs
because they were sucked into the black hole or something.
That was good. :-)
A skilled, armed man lives on a plane of security and contentment
different from that of others. The man who cannot cut it, envies,
fears and sometimes hates the man who can. -Cooper

Popeye/ www.finalprotectivefire.com
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-04-21 03:07:48 UTC
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by Orson Wells as CitizenCain
A plausible if not desirable scenario. Dude, haven't you ever seen those
DOT road signs "Black Hole : 1000 feet?" They put them up everywhere
there's a black hole approaching. Geez! Maybe you just missed the signs
because they were sucked into the black hole or something.
That was good. :-)
Danka. Now if you'll excuse me I seem to be getting sucked into a black
Dennis M. Hammes
2008-04-21 05:45:17 UTC
Post by Orson Wells as CitizenCain
Post by Douglas W. "Popeye" Frederick
Post by Orson Wells as CitizenCain
A plausible if not desirable scenario. Dude, haven't you ever seen those
DOT road signs "Black Hole : 1000 feet?" They put them up everywhere
there's a black hole approaching. Geez! Maybe you just missed the signs
because they were sucked into the black hole or something.
That was good. :-)
Danka. Now if you'll excuse me I seem to be getting sucked into a black
I was sucked into a black hole once, but I'm BAAA-ack.
(She divorced me.)
Gresham's Law is not worth a Continental.
Dennis M. Hammes
2008-04-21 05:43:33 UTC
Post by Orson Wells as CitizenCain
A plausible if not desirable scenario. Dude, haven't you ever seen those DOT
road signs "Black Hole : 1000 feet?" They put them up everywhere there's a
black hole approaching. Geez! Maybe you just missed the signs because they
were sucked into the black hole or something.
Happens here every night to parts of any post Dockery has "read."
He couldn't be a real Black Hole, though -- he's too fulla shit.
(Besides, that would require that he be real.)
Gresham's Law is not worth a Continental.
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-04-21 05:45:41 UTC
Post by Dennis M. Hammes
Post by Orson Wells as CitizenCain
A plausible if not desirable scenario. Dude, haven't you ever seen those
DOT road signs "Black Hole : 1000 feet?" They put them up everywhere
there's a black hole approaching. Geez! Maybe you just missed the signs
because they were sucked into the black hole or something.
Happens here every night to parts of any post Dockery has "read."
He couldn't be a real Black Hole, though -- he's too fulla shit.
(Besides, that would require that he be real.)
Duckery has a black hole in the center of his skull - that's how no thoughts
escape, don'tcha know.
Dennis M. Hammes
2008-04-22 07:12:50 UTC
Post by Orson Wells as CitizenCain
Post by Dennis M. Hammes
Post by Orson Wells as CitizenCain
A plausible if not desirable scenario. Dude, haven't you ever seen those
DOT road signs "Black Hole : 1000 feet?" They put them up everywhere
there's a black hole approaching. Geez! Maybe you just missed the signs
because they were sucked into the black hole or something.
Happens here every night to parts of any post Dockery has "read."
He couldn't be a real Black Hole, though -- he's too fulla shit.
(Besides, that would require that he be real.)
Duckery has a black hole in the center of his skull - that's how no thoughts
escape, don'tcha know.
Yeah? Then how do the mountains of unspeakable shit get out?
Such quantities are /not/ explainable by turd-pair-formation at
the event horizon, you know; that would require /at least/ as much to
be still inside his...
Okay, ya.
Gresham's Law is not worth a Continental.