hey doug, you gonna pay attention now?
(too old to reply)
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-12-15 07:01:51 UTC
You've been told now by others outside of this group NOT to buy a vhf
radio and try and use it like you do a CB. You're gonna pay out the
ass for having it.
But I know you, as soon as you find out the frequencies, you're gonna
go get a radio. I'll make sure border patrol gets your truck number.
You are such a goddamn snitch, Bullis -- however, in his case, he has
nothing to worry about, since you're so stupid you couldn't get his truck
number if you tried.
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-12-15 07:04:25 UTC
On Tue, 2 Dec 2008 20:27:47 -0600, "The Honorable Dr. Rocky Roads
. Pissypants
Dough you are a fucking loser. You eat shit and you eat shit and you talk
shit. Just like the loser realitytrasher nightruanch do all the freaking
I remember talking to Shawn about that crap the I80 truckstop. Shawn
brought that subject up and he brought it up while we were eating too. I
just wanted him to stop talking about it. It never dawned on me that he
going bullshit as bullsiht to feed the assholes here.
ROTFLMAO "Shawn used bullshit as bullshit to feed the assholes here" is
perfect description of what he did what with his bullshit too!
I could state the truth a 1000 times and you would just keep repeating the
bullshit that Shawn posted or the bullshit that Dave Ruff posted or the
bullshit that realitytrasher posted or the bullshit that Barry Helveston
posted because you don't care about the truth.. YHBT assholes.
Incase you haven't noticed, I have posted the part of the transcipt of the
jury trial I won with the only physical problem I have had assholes.
You call that a "win"?
The judge told you twice, do not bring up past court cases.
You harrassed a person for 17 frickin years?
You've been harrassing one for more than 12.
When did they start when
you were in kindergarten?
Surprise, surprise, Bullis wants to know about a kindergartner.
You're damn lucky they didn't have stalking laws then or you'd be in
PKB, Mr. "I'll be sure they have your truck number."
