(HEY YOU) Ever have the chicken pox?
(too old to reply)
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-12-13 06:21:15 UTC
Kali, ye vile gasbag, ye riseth to play and go to bed to work, ye
Kali, ye big-bellied periwigpated fellow, thou have as little
Kali, ye self-centred flip-flop, o you hard heart, you cruel man,
On Tue, 9 Dec 2008 11:17:31 -0500, "Orson Wells as
On Tue, 9 Dec 2008 04:25:35 -0500, "Orson Wells as
Ever had the alex cain disease?
for you idiot truckers in MTT, this is a perfect example
an alex cain troll post.
Bullis, you *are* one of the idiot truckers from MTT. That
was a perfect example of a st00pid Bullis post.
so you want an oscar for yours then?
So how's the newspaper reporting business going? Still
working the dog show scenes are ya?
After 8 years of college you can only get a job as a
Do you still think Joe Jared is Taylor Netscum? Have you had
Taylor arrested in Montana yet? How many years until the
I never said he was. Brad Jessness, the demented sock of
You really believe Brad was a sock of Taylor?
claimed that purely as one of Taylor's many smokescreens.
To what end?
As I have posted many times, Taylor's true name is Matthew E
I missed one.
Proof is in tamu.general. Where Taylor was employed by the
school. So where is the old scumbag? You notice that once I
found out who he really was he runs away and hides like he
usually does once he's been caught in a lie.
Sure he's not socked up as someone else?
Of course he is dear. He's been using "kadaitcha man" and
other of his favorite socks. He just refuses to post as taylor.
Kadaitcha man is Taylor!? You know he lives on a remote island
the south pacific, right?
West Timor isn't in the south pacific, honey :)
West Timor! Indonesia! Wow I misremembered that one.
Aye. I've been living in a small village about a 4 hour donkey ride
from Kupang. There is no internet connection for miles so I most
often stay in a hotel in the city. Of course, I take frequent trips
back to Oz. Retiring 15 years early and kicking the rat-race habit
did wonders for me. It costs me about $2 (yes, two dollars) a day
live. If I didn't eat at the best restaurants it would cost me
$1 a day, if that.
The only drawback is that my favourite Aussie beer, Tooheys Red,
costs $US70 a carton of 30 cans. $US25 for the beer, $US35 for the
freight, and a $US10 'tip' for the nice customs officer who also
runs the local post office.
Now that I know what you want for the holiday, I just need a
delivery address!
Rick Mather
C/- Postmaster
Post Office,
Jalan Lalamentik,
Kupang NTT
Tricky Ricky
Hi Rick. Are you still Black?
Hi moron. Are you still almost as stupid as Bullis?
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-12-15 07:33:59 UTC
"richard" Bullis, pedophile trucker and society swamp muck
On Tue, 9 Dec 2008 11:17:31 -0500, "Orson Wells as CitizenCain"
On Tue, 9 Dec 2008 04:25:35 -0500, "Orson Wells as CitizenCain"
Ever had the alex cain disease?
for you idiot truckers in MTT, this is a perfect example of an alex
cain troll post.
Bullis, you *are* one of the idiot truckers from MTT. That was a perfect
example of a st00pid Bullis post.
so you want an oscar for yours then?
First of all, it's capitalized; second of all, do you even know what the
fuck you're trying to blabber about?
So how's the newspaper reporting business going? Still working the dog
show scenes are ya?
It's going quite well, st00pid. I've held the same job for three years in
March -- three years longer than any job you've ever held. "dog show
scenes?" Where the hell did you get THAT? I've won three awards for my work,
received several public accolades, and am on a pretty good track to end up
doing what I want in life. In other words, I'm successful while you're still
a miserable truck-driving(snicker) failure.
After 8 years of college you can only get a job as a wannabe reporter?
First off, shithead, I only went to college for three. Well five to five and
a half if you count getting the Associate Degree. Second of all, I'm VERY
GOOD at being a "wannabe reporter," though there's no "wannabe" about it, as
you could check on our Web site if you were so inclined to do so and not a
stupid pedophile paranoid idiot. Third, my salary isn't much but I guarentee
it's more than you've ever made. So fuck off, dipshit. I'll be happy to
cover your arrest through the AP wire if you want.
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-12-15 07:35:02 UTC
On Tue, 9 Dec 2008 11:17:31 -0500, "Orson Wells as CitizenCain"
On Tue, 9 Dec 2008 04:25:35 -0500, "Orson Wells as CitizenCain"
Ever had the alex cain disease?
for you idiot truckers in MTT, this is a perfect example of an alex
cain troll post.
Bullis, you *are* one of the idiot truckers from MTT. That was a perfect
example of a st00pid Bullis post.
so you want an oscar for yours then?
So how's the newspaper reporting business going? Still working the dog
show scenes are ya?
After 8 years of college you can only get a job as a wannabe reporter?
Do you still think Joe Jared is Taylor Netscum? Have you had Taylor
arrested in Montana yet? How many years until the kooksuit?
Wasn't there a counter once?
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2009-01-04 13:21:10 UTC
How old is that alex cain troll post?
What troll post are you talking about, twit? If anything else, YOU were the
one who responded, so YOU should know, and YOU have only YOURSELF to blame,
An you're just now getting around to make a nomination with the month
over with?
I nominate Just Taylor for "chicken shit coward of the year".
Since his prescious www.lart.com got taken down for failure to
communicate, among other reasons, and I posted his true name, he
refuses to post.
He should also be nominated for "busted urinal of the year".
"Failure to communicate?" What the fuck?
