Stopped yet again!
(too old to reply)
Irkin Invader Zim
2011-06-29 21:34:33 UTC
I get going again this morning and I'm driving along just fine not seeing
no cops anywhere. Until I'm near Memphis.
Just 'cause you don't see them doesn't mean that they are not there,
The speed changes from 70mp to a split 65/55 deal. I'm behind a couple of
trucks who are doing 65. Then suddenly their speed drops to 55.
I wonder why?
Yes, but you also wonder why the door says PUSH and PULL.
Yep. Here's a cop sittin in the middle.
Cynical and paranoid much, Bullis?
Did it matter to the cop that the the two trucks in front of me were only
fifty feet apart? Nope.
Did it matter to you that the "cop" was doing his job?
Did it matter to the cop that the six cars that passed  him were bunched up
together? Nope.
Did it matter to the "cop" that you are a belligerent idiot who is
paranoid and obsessed over law enforcement for *cough* "various
Oh. Hello. Here's a motorhome with an out of state plate.
Yep. Just as I see the cop, I get an oppurtunity to pass the trucks. Just
after I clear the last truck and move back into the right lane, hello, blue
lights behind me again.
Stop acting like an ass in traffic then, you idiot.
I pull over and the cop comes up to me.
Before he said a word, "This is the second damn time I've been pulled over.
Once yesterday in Dickson, Tn".
Figures that you would immediately start in with an attitude instead
of waiting to hear the reason he pulled you over first. That really
works well with our nation's law enforcement officers, Bullis. Your
words also informed the officer of several things: 1) That he is
dealing with a belligerent person, possibly for illegal reasons
[drugs, money, weapons, etc.)] 2) That you have been pulled over
before in the past 24 hours, and that if he [the officer] trusts the
judgement of his fellow officers, there was a good reason for it, so
now he should be double-suspicious about you and/or your driving, 3)
That you are possibly going to be giving him lip and trouble
throughout the whole stop, therefore he should be cautious and perhaps
double-check you within law enforcement records and 4) Where you have
just been compared to where he is at now, meaning that he knows your
driving habits and that he could easily check with fellow law
enforcement officers about your "second damn time" if needed, possibly
causing you a longer wait time to leave from the stop, though at the
same time ensuring that you weren't stopped for reckless driving,
speeding, whatever.

You are such a dumbass when it comes to....well, just about
everything, Bullis.
"Sir, the reason I pulled you over was because you following the truck too
And as a "seasoned" "truck driver" you should have known better,
"Yeah and that's the same damn excuse they had."
"They?" He stopped you, not the other trucks.
No sir. The reason you
pulled me over was because I'm driving an RV with an out of state license
Oh yes Bullis I am really sure you told the nice officer that and that
he just smiled at you and took the verbal abuse.
To say the least, I was a tad pissed off
No shit, really? From your post I would have thought you would have
been smiling and singing Disney tunes.
and the cop was smart enough to
realize that. He said something and practically ran back to his cruiser.
You make it sound like you scared him off. I have news for you,
st00pid. Southern cops don't get scared off, especially when they are
given lip by some ugly, smelly, angry moron from out of state. It
doesn't work that way especially in a state like Tennessee.
The only reason these county cops are out on the interstate, is to maybe
get lucky and find some idiot carrying a large sum of cash.
Actually they are out there to do their jobs, Jethro.
Because state
law says they can confiscate it and keep it if it's not contested.
Uhhhhhh which state law? Where? When was it ratified? What does it/
they say/said?

I haven't responded to you in a little while, Bullis, and I'd like to
keep it that way, but when you post all high-and-mighty, pompous-
ass(hole) like this especially in relation to law enforcement, well,
you open yourself up as fair game, st00pid.

The cop should have shot your back tail light and ticketed you for
having it out.
Irkin Invader Zim
2011-06-29 21:37:58 UTC
I get going again this morning and I'm driving along just fine not seeing
no cops anywhere. Until I'm near Memphis.
The speed changes from 70mp to a split 65/55 deal. I'm behind a couple of
trucks who are doing 65. Then suddenly their speed drops to 55.
I wonder why?
Yep. Here's a cop sittin in the middle.
Did it matter to the cop that the the two trucks in front of me were only
fifty feet apart? Nope.
Did it matter to the cop that the six cars that passed  him were bunched up
together? Nope.
Oh. Hello. Here's a motorhome with an out of state plate.
Yep. Just as I see the cop, I get an oppurtunity to pass the trucks. Just
after I clear the last truck and move back into the right lane, hello, blue
lights behind me again.
I pull over and the cop comes up to me.
Before he said a word, "This is the second damn time I've been pulled over.
Once yesterday in Dickson, Tn".
"Sir, the reason I pulled you over was because you following the truck too
"Yeah and that's the same damn excuse they had. No sir. The reason you
pulled me over was because I'm driving an RV with an out of state license
To say the least, I was a tad pissed off and the cop was smart enough to
realize that. He said something and practically ran back to his cruiser.
The only reason these county cops are out on the interstate, is to maybe
get lucky and find some idiot carrying a large sum of cash. Because state
law says they can confiscate it and keep it if it's not contested.
You pull that attitude with a cop and he's going to do ANYTHING to
possibly cite you.
Then why wasn't I?
I dunno....maybe 'cuz you're lying? Or at least exaggerating, per your
usual style of st00pidity.
Why wasn't I cited the first time?
Who says you weren't? This is YOUR story, remember? You could easily
have left out that part.
It's because the cops know that if they do, and you contest it, their ass
is on the line. They didn't find any drugs or cash, so they don't cite.
St00pid if you had been cited the first time you are/were more than
welcome to "contest" anything however contesting a ticket does not put
any officer's "ass on the line."

Why don't you go back to huffing and puffing and trying to blow the
day care center down during nap time, rather than posting st00pid
stuff like this crap?
