Request to begin again OSTT! permanently
(too old to reply)
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-08-04 03:47:33 UTC
I don't know about you, but I for one am sick and tired of reading
about "how I won a court case pro se" in practically every thread by
the resident idiot.
I haven't seen you make a post on that subject. But, if you don't like
reading your own posts, just killfile yourself.
First of all, the court case was done and settled before Rocky ever
even knew what the hell the internet was. Let alone usenet.
Then, we've been hearing this overbaked trash for 5 frickin years.
And every time he posts about it, he wants you to believe it's an
ongoing case in the court now.
I propose a permanent "operation silence the troll" to begin
immediately and last until hell freezes over. I'm adding the jackass
to my killfilter today and this will be the last time I mention him.

So we can expect a dozen "Just Taylor" posts then?
I'm tired of his damn ranting and foaming at the mouth.
People said the same about you in the early 1990s.
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-08-06 05:04:52 UTC
On Sun, 3 Aug 2008 23:47:33 -0400, "Orson Wells as CitizenCain"
Post by Orson Wells as CitizenCain
I don't know about you, but I for one am sick and tired of reading
about "how I won a court case pro se" in practically every thread by
the resident idiot.
I haven't seen you make a post on that subject. But, if you don't like
reading your own posts, just killfile yourself.
First of all, the court case was done and settled before Rocky ever
even knew what the hell the internet was. Let alone usenet.
Then, we've been hearing this overbaked trash for 5 frickin years.
And every time he posts about it, he wants you to believe it's an
ongoing case in the court now.
I propose a permanent "operation silence the troll" to begin
immediately and last until hell freezes over. I'm adding the jackass
to my killfilter today and this will be the last time I mention him.
So we can expect a dozen "Just Taylor" posts then?
I'm tired of his damn ranting and foaming at the mouth.
People said the same about you in the early 1990s.
Really alex?
Yep, really.
