Pathetic post on misc.legal.moderated
(too old to reply)
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-08-30 18:58:06 UTC
On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 07:37:58 -0500, Roughrider50
Some of my post to mlm just seem to go off into space with no clue as
to what happened to them. I've already given you one reply to this
post but I thought the following is a fair question.
She was living with another guy, and you felt YOU had to tell HER you
were giving up on her? =A0 Love is truly blind. =A0 SHE had already
up on YOU by moving in with the other guy.
So why did she tell me she changed her mind after she moved back in
with her mother?
I could never figure out why Cheryl said that myself because all I
remembered is her mother coming between us at the end of High School.
Plus why did Cheryl follow me out of a bar to talk to me after they
guy she lived with kicked her out the last time? As for that
encounter. I wanted to say something really crazy to Cheryl so I
asked her if she wanted to go to New York for 3 weeks in 3 weeks and
she said something just as crazy when she replied with "When?"
Point being, it has always been her mother that kept us from talking
things over and the reason Beverly gave for doing that in court did
not hold water.
My experience with MLM is that the guy who moderates is very
It's more than one person, and your experiences with MLM have mostly
revolved around stalking "Just Taylor" across an entire continent.
He reads each one and determines if your post is worthy
or not.
um, that's kind of what a moderator is supposed to do, Bullis.

Once he gets to know you, and approves you, because you meet
his standards, then you're allowed in the group.
It's a wonder why Rocky was even allowed to post.
It's a wonder why you haven't accidentally killed yourself yet.
2008-08-30 19:41:52 UTC
Post by Orson Wells as CitizenCain
It's a wonder why you haven't accidentally killed yourself yet.
And, just why must you bother us, over, here sleeping wif Richard the
Stupid, with your inane multi-adressed posts ?? It's not as if they are
of any interest, are they
The Canadian Curmudgeon (in Calgary)

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