knock knock can dougie come out to play?
(too old to reply)
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-07-19 06:04:29 UTC
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Welcome one and all to the wonderful home of one Douglas "popeye"
Frederick in the heart of Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
As you can see, this is not your typical "home" for one family but
rather a condo unit.
Bitch all ya want dougie. It's a public street and your "home" is
viewable from the street.
Wow Bullis. Are you admitting to stalking someone from Usenet again? Don't
tell me you think this person is "Just Taylor." You've put about 15
identities on that person now, haven't you? Fucking moron. I hope you drive
into a tree.
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-07-19 06:05:31 UTC
Of course, I was probably home when you took the picture, but I notice
you didn't call because you're a pathetic coward.
Welcome one and all to the wonderful home of one Douglas "popeye"
Frederick in the heart of Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
As you can see, this is not your typical "home" for one family but
rather a condo unit.
Bitch all ya want dougie. It's a public street and your "home" is
viewable from the street.
Google is doing the entire civilized world.
Who's bitching?
The more of this stuff you do, the less likely I'll even be charged, let
alone convicted.
Besides, that's not where I live.
What's really funny is how your last post about this went on about how
you can't "help me" with "my problem", but now you've created a documented
pattern of internet and real-time stalking, including a posted threat,
posting my address on the net, repeated trips to my hometown from out of
state, and right down to trying to take a picture of my place of
Thanks, dude.
You must be the -stupidest- motherfucker on in the -entire- galaxy.
That conclusion was reached years ago, but you're right.
