modern technology and the modern trucker
(too old to reply)
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-02-26 04:48:02 UTC
Because you're st00pid.
do we still live in the dark ages when it comes to log books?
God dammit Bullis not this log book shit again. You've been crowing about
this for YEARS and have NEVER ONCE been proven correct.
With the advent of software such as "Drivers daily log", why not take
this approach to the next level?
With the advent of soap, such as "Irish Spring", why don't you bathe?
A simple mini computer in the dash is all it would take.
Bullis the techno-pedo.
In which you
have a slot for something like an SD card. Or even a usb flash disk.
A 2 gig card could store enough information that covers a month.
Sure would be easier to store those pictures on the road, huh.
The driver has a keyboard like that of a qualcomm unit.
An LCD screen would show him the log book page for the day.
As well as the vehicle inspection reports.
When stopped for an inspection, you pull the card out, hand it to the
officer and he reads it directly from his computer.
Every month, you turn it into your company. They can download the
information onto their machine and save tons of space otherwise
reserved for the paperwork.
Information on the card could also include things like when you put
the truck into gear to move. Or check your stop times to make sure you
actually did take a 10 hour break.
St00pid is this going to be one of those times where you're going to claim
your "great invention" was stolen by the Nazis or something?
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-02-26 04:53:04 UTC
Nice system. I would go that route any day over qualcomm.
How flexible are you with the actual logs?
Is it as flexible as with paper logs or does it force you to log
something you don't want logged? Say like a 20 minute stop for
Yes, it shows everytime you stop driving and when you start again. It
automatically logs you on duty not driving until you start rolling again.
Or get stopped for traffic in Chicago or an accident?
Yes it shows every time you stop. For instance I run a delivery route at
night, when my load is close to being done I log in as on duty and start
pre-trip under Vehicle Inspection. ( we're required to wit 10 mins before
moving the truck)
after that I do a route requeat depending on route request I'm doing
night. Each store on that route is in the system. When I arrive at a store
it asks arive? yes or no.
Seems to me like it's kind of a tattle tale thing in some ways.
That's exactly what it is. We are required to keep the RPMs at 1600 or
and cannot go over 70 mph. It records everytime you do..
That's why I still like paper logs in many ways.
Because they're easier to forge, huh Bullis?

Or at least a program
that is not connected to the truck. You don't need to worry about
somebody coming back to you later and say, "You didn't show this 10
minute stop".
Or taking responsibility for your actions or knowing where you've been, huh
My last company
real surprise
was getting real picky in that they wanted us to show
exactly when we went through a toll booth. After I pointed out that
the law's don't say that's required, they backed off.
Why is it that you always seem to be on the winning end of your stories,
Bullis? I would bet that there is a good reason that they are your "last
"So you went through the Elgin tollbooth at 8:30Pm huh? How come we
show you getting fuel in Gary at 8:45?"
"Strong tail wind?"
"So you're a fucking moron huh? How come you keep trying to act smart?"