More UAW Horror Stories
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Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-12-17 09:09:15 UTC
(sorry about the earlier post, baby hit mouse button on send)
My only contact with a union worker? I was sent to a dock in Baltimore to
pick up a backhoe. I arrived a few minutes before a union mandated lunch
break. I was told I'd have to wait until after lunch so that the union
worker could load the backhoe onto my truck. So I was sitting around
nothing for over an hour (which wasted another work hour... which meant
I couldn't drive as far as I was hoping to drive that day before I had to
shut down for a mandatory 10-hour break due to hours of service
regulations). Which meant that I lost money that day, because I was
still, not racking up miles. Now I don't begrudge the guy his lunch
But after the lunch break...
So the lunch break is finally over, and a SECURITY GUARD opens the gate
me, and the SECURITY GUARD (not a union dock worker) directs me to where
backhoe is. I spot it immediately, and it is conveniently close to a
loading ramp that could be used to put the backhoe on my truck.
While I'm looking over my paperwork to verify the serial number, union
worker comes driving up in a pickup truck. He looks at my paperwork, then
hops into the backhoe that I'd already figured out was the one I was there
to pick up. He fires it up, drives it about 10 feet to the end of the
loading ramp, shuts it down, hops out and says, "There You Go".
So I ask him if he's going to load it onto my truck and he tells me that
union rules prohibit him from driving the backhoe onto my truck.
Now I don't give a flying fuck what your union rules are. But when those
rules interfere with ME getting MY job done, that really pisses me off.
I'd have known that I'd be loading the backhoe myself, I could have been
loaded, secured and out of there LONG before union guy returned from his
lunch break.
As far as I'm concerned the union dock worker was a waste of air. He did
NOTHING to help me, and actually interfered with me getting my work done.
He even caused me to lose money that day. Worthless waste of space and
ir. -Dave
Well sir, then we have a major problem here. As my union rules say I'm
not allowed to operate that equipment. Not to mention the insurance
company won't let me touch it.
Well, sir, here we have another imaginary idiotic "conversation" created by
the hopelessly and eternally stupid Richard "the st00pid" Bullis. Perry
Bullis? Or Richard Mason? Regardless of how much shit you put in the compost
it's still going to smell bad.
You've already wasted my time and the customer is in dire need of that
equipment. Now do you want me to call your office over there on this
cell phone and explain to them that your refusal just cost their
company $10,000? Now who do you suppose is gonna make up for that
"Now, how exactly should I stand while you kick my ass for what I just
threatened to do?"

Bullis, you are so goddamnably stupid you are proof positive that the theory
of evolution HAS to be right, because no God would ever make a mistake like
Then any more delays will only cost YOUR company that much more. Now I
want to see your union steward here and now and tell him to bring the
book with him.
Now I want you to give me a hand as I try to climb back up onto the dock
from being thrown into the ocean.
Just more bullshit than anything but it gets the guy to thinking about
maybe he's pushing the wrong driver.
Or maybe the driver is just st00pid.
I've been into numerous union facilities.
uh-huh. There's a union for pedophiles? How interesting.
Most are decent.
But one royally pissed me off.
ZOMG here we go.
I was working local that day and took a trailer over to the plant a
bit early. I got put into a dock and just waited on them. Nearly two
hours later I went in and saw all the fork lifts sitting.
"Oh they're all at a computer training class."
"What's the next excuse gonna be?"
"Going home."
"Fine. I want to see your supervisor."
"I am my supervisor."
Wish that went up on YouTube...I'd laugh my ass off while sending it into
the millions of replayed hits.
We got into it a bit and finally she took my paperwork out to the
guardhouse and told me to leave.
And, of course, you being a clueless idiot, did not.
I called dispatch and told them what was going on. 5 minutes later the
bitch came out for the paperwork and I was unloaded.
So now she's a "bitch?"
I got into it at a walmart DC. They weren't doing anything after the
two hour window was up so I went inside to find out why.
"well you were late. we have a 2 hour window and after that you get
Then you should have been on time, dimwit.
"Yes sir, I was late by one hour at the gate, and a half an hour at
your window before my paperwork got stamped. Now get the damn truck
unloaded or I leave. You have 1 more hour."
A few minutes later they were unloading me.
Bullis, you look like someone on America's Most Wanted and you act as
arrogant as Archie Bunker. I somehow have trouble believing your little
You got to throw your weight around every now and then or they'll take
advantage. I don't give a shit. If push comes to shove, I'll empty the
truck out right there.
Then, of course, you'll be fired later. But that's another Bullis-lawsuit
story for another time, I suppose!
2008-12-17 19:26:47 UTC
On 12/17/2008 02:09:15 "Orson Wells as CitizenCain" wrote:

Much snipperteries
Then, of course, you'll be fired later. But that's another Bullis-lawsuit
story for another time, I suppose!
Gawd where does he get such muddy feets ???

Mopmopmopmop, dustdust, vacvacvac - pufff
The Canadian Curmudgeon (in Calgary)
Please save our endangered CO2 ~ plant many trees
Orson Wells as CitizenCain
2008-12-19 05:40:09 UTC
I've been into numerous union facilities.
Most are decent.
But one royally pissed me off.
I was working local that day and took a trailer over to the plant a
bit early. I got put into a dock and just waited on them. Nearly two
hours later I went in and saw all the fork lifts sitting.
"Oh they're all at a computer training class."
Fork lift operators learning to operate computers?
"What's the next excuse gonna be?"
"Going home."
"Fine. I want to see your supervisor."
"I am my supervisor."
We got into it a bit and finally she took my paperwork out to the
guardhouse and told me to leave.
I called dispatch and told them what was going on. 5 minutes later the
bitch came out for the paperwork and I was unloaded.
I got into it at a walmart DC. They weren't doing anything after the
two hour window was up so I went inside to find out why.
"well you were late. we have a 2 hour window and after that you get
"Yes sir, I was late by one hour at the gate, and a half an hour at
your window before my paperwork got stamped. Now get the damn truck
unloaded or I leave. You have 1 more hour."
A few minutes later they were unloading me.
Y'know, what I don't get about the Wal-Mart DCs (I've only been to one,
maybe it was just that one?)
The only time I delivered to Wal-Mart DC, I was told two things upon
1) Drivers aren't allowed in the dock area.
2) If the Wal-Mart lumpers had to unload my truck, I would need to pay
to do so.
I remember thinking at the time, "Do you WANT this shit or not????" I
wonder to this day how they get away with that crap. They told me (in too
many words) that I was required to hire a lumper to get unloaded. Well my
company paid for a lumper.
But why do shippers put up with that crap? Is Wal-Mart operating a
DISTRIBUTION CENTER, or just an unmanned storage facility? I don't get
t. -Dave
Believe it or not, there is a federal law that says that practice is
illegal. It's in title 49 but not included in the handbook.
How convenient for you, Bullis.
The fine is $10,000 and a 30 day shutdown.
I spent a year and a half looking for that law and finally found it.
But yet, you've spent ten years looking for Just Taylor and haven't found
HIM yet.
Basically it says, the driver has two options. Either he can unload
the truck himself, for which he is compensated, or, hire someone to do
it for him. The company can not demand you hire lumpers.
At all the walmart dc's I've been to they ask you if you're going to
unload or want walmart to do it. Except one. Menominee Wi does it for
From what I've learned over the years,
I doubt you've learned diddlyshit.
most of the time the shipper
already knows the customer is going to charge and how much. They just
don't pass it on to the driver because they know the driver might not
take the load. What I don't understand is, why isn't this all worked
out between the two before the load is shipped? Probably because the
lumpers are outside contract workers and they demand to be paid by the
truck load in cash.
I learned a long time ago, I do not touch freight. Period.
And as a result, you can't find a job because no one wants the liability of
an asshole douchebag employee on the road representing them.
